Passing of a Pioneer by Don McGrath
Bob Wing, a true EV pioneer, passed away Sunday morning, March 17, at his home in Inverness, California. Bob has served the EV cause and the EV community for many years, dating back to the early 1970s. He was a hobbyist, a media correspondent, and an EV consultant, and after his retirement from his job as an executive at Stanford Research Institute, devoted much of his time to his consuming passion, electric vehicles and the environment.
In 1973, Bob acquired a 1959 MGA Roadster for $100. Two nonoperational MGAs had been rebuilt into one semi-operational gas car. Over the course of the next 27 years, the car, which Bob converted in 1973, underwent many metamorphoses, including installation of Optima YT batteries, various battery equalization devices, a ZAPI regen controller, and a Zivan Smoother.
In 1979 the Wings moved to Oregon, where Bob continued his crusade. Shortly after arriving in Oregon, Bob showed his MGA at the 1979 Seattle Environmental Faire for 6 days, also appearing on a half-hour radio interview.
He organized the Salem, OR chapter of EAA and later founded additional chapters in Portland, Albany-Corvalis, and Medford.
In 1982 the Wings returned to California, settling in Inverness, CA , at the Point Reyes National Seashore and adjacent to Tomales Bay State Park. They returned to California with three EVs.
Bob established the North Bay Chapter of the EAA, in which he was active for many years. The MGA was again displayed at the Silicon Valley EAA '96 Rally at Stanford University, where it garnered the award of "Best Classic Car." As a media correspondent, Bob attended many EV Conferences, including various EVS (International Electric Vehicle Symposium) meetings, and wrote many articles for journals such as EV News, EAA Current EVents, and Electrifying Times.
The MGA in 1999 went to Dean Grannes, after which Bob leased an EV Ranger from Ford Motor Company. The Ranger lease was recently transferred to Chuck Hammond of Santa Rosa when Bob no longer had the physical strength and energy to drive it.
Bob was a fine gentleman, and his leadership, dedication, and conviction was an inspiration to all who knew him.
Bob is survived by his wife, Margot. Condolences may be addressed to her at P.O. Box 277, CA 94937-0277.